I asked the students a range of questions on topics such as how much they thought they were learning and what helped them stay focused and motivated. Here were some snapshot statements on the results.
- Nearly 80% think they are mostly or always motivated to learn in class.
- 67% think that computers mostly or always motivate them to learn and 73% think that the
computer has helped them learn.
- 84% find hands on activities help them stay motivated during maths small groups.
- The highest rated options to alter small group maths times were
- hands on activities,
- increased time,
- more web based tools / interactives.

There were some results, however, that are contrary to what research tells us. The class rated 'Knowing the reason why we are learning something' as the least likely to motivate and engage them. Maybe I haven't promoted this aspect enough in class for them to experience the benefits? Perhaps, also, they don't feel like they have had the permission in the past to ask or even think why.
So, how will this impact my teaching?
- More Hands ON activities?
- More Digital Tools?
- More TIME?
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