If you could run a dream classroom programme... what would it look like? Imagine an unlimited budget and the freedom to follow your own pedagogical path! This was a provoking thought I've come across lately and I thought I'd share a glimpse into what I think would make a great 2013 with my students!
1. 1-1 iPads
The first crucial cornerstone of my dream classroom would be an ipad in every pairs of hands. With a 1-1 ratio there would be no waiting, rotations, logging in and out and all the problems that sharing technology. I'd choose an ipad for the following reasons;- the targeted learning apps for each student,
- the camera, voice recording features,
- the mobility and flexibility of use,
- the icloud range of apps,
- a shared community of devices, linked with apple TV.
'Typical!' you say. Give them all an ipad and they'll learn? No - but with their own device ready to go when they need it my students would be able to truly run with the learning pedagogy I would utilise in numbers 2-3!
2. Student Centred Learning
This is where the pedagogy kicks in. I always strive to have every student learning at their 'ultimate next step' and there are a variety of ways I could do this (and we are always discovering new methods every year).
- a student driven curriculum that involved them in the planning process. I'd like to have every student owning a google doc of their curriculum criteria, for example, where they could add evidence of their achievement throughout the year.
- learning sites, interactives, apps, and activities that are targeted and customised to teach the student in their style, at their pace and at their level. An example of this is a site called Math Whizz which guides a student to their 'maths age' and works them through a wide range of maths categories at their own pace. When they succeed they move on and when they need help it provides it for them!

3. Reflective Tools!
There are loads of reflective tools that capture the learning journey for each individual. This could involve audio, video and written reflections on their digital blogs and eportfolio. I'd use the apps like Evernote, Showme, Notability and lots more to scaffold students into sharing, looking back and planning their next steps.I'd also use Edublogs as our eportfolio platform. A main eportfolio space for journaling and posting learning progress on this ipad app would make a student's ipad their first port of call for capturing, creating, sharing, commenting and reflecting - all just a glimpse of the potential for eportfolios.
4. Cloud Based Learning
When a student has a device to call on they can both upload and download their learning to their own online storage spaces. For creating and sharing docs I would have every student using the Google Suite of apps, combined and managed through Google Dashboard - a teacher tool that collates and manages student accounts and files in a collective space.
5. Flexible Learning Spaces

So! These are a few of more ideas - what have I missed out? I bet you have some dreams of your own...
Ipad image:
Woohoo Mark, that is an exciting view into the new year... I want to come and learn in your class! Hmmm, just not sure about the first one. I really like that not all my learners have a device. We have a wonderful mix of pairs, groups, tradigital learning... I would worry 1:1 could decrease the f2f interaction/collaboration??? Having said that - I really want an iPad mini! :) Great post! I look forward to seeing it all come together...
I agree with Anne, it would be great if everyone had a learning device, but don't think they have to, maybe a 1:4 ratio. Should be fine. One thing that you didn't mention and just as important and resources what about teachers to work with?
I see where you're coming from, Anne. Maybe if the F2F time was an issue I could factor some systems in to combat that?
My dream of 1-1 is to eliminate the frustration I see the students having when they can't get access. It's the 'I need it now' part I really like. Sometimes learning has to happen in the moment before the moment passes - rather than having to wait for a turn in the maths rotation.
Also - and here's something thrown back at you - imagine if I made you share your laptop / ipad with the teacher next door! But it would increase your F2F time with her or him! Haha. #justagentlejibe
Okay, going to bed with a smile on my face... Imagine me sharing my laptop... hmmm,I see where you are coming from BUT I love when there is one device between 2 or 3... Can't wait for this journey to continue... and our conversations to challenge and celebrate! YAY - I love learning and talking about it! :)
Love the way your Wishlist is simplified to 5 items. Have to say that 100% keen to be a learner or a teacher in that class. Learning, pedagogy and technology are all blended together. Are you able to manage cloud based with current Internet, or would you need the fibre lit and UFB?
Mark - Awesome post - love the dream and how it builds on what you have already begun. Hopefully we can bring 'all the stars into alignment' in terms of fibre connection, wireless growth and the number of devices! Some good provocative banter around the actual number needed - from both sides - look forward to continuing that discussion!
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