Friday, March 28, 2014

Maths Symposium Presentation

Tomorrow I'm presenting a breakout at the Southland Math's Symposium. The workshop brief I wrote was;

ICTs and Maths - understanding the potential for the tools to take your math's programme to another level!

Today's ICTs are making a big impact on the way we teach and learn. This workshop will explore some ideas for making the maximum influence with your student's and their achievement. We will look at different tools through the lenses of the SAMR model of technology integration and see how they have the potential to revolutionise our teaching practice.

That's a pretty lofty goal, I know! But why not aim for the stars. Here's the presentation.

If you were in the workshop - my apologies for going overtime - mostly because we missed the last few slides! There I promote some amazing resources for more links and tools and mostly because I didn't have time for my Twitter promotion - my best bit. If you're not on twitter and connecting with other like minded, passionate educators then... you are seriously missing out.

(But that's another workshop...)

This is the Hexagons brainstorm* (See Pam Hook's site for more info on this great tool) we made before we started. We had a quick look at the kinds of tools we are using, and saw some of the barriers / frustrations. 

Slow connectivity was a major theme... interesting!

*I've uploaded the image into skitch and added the categories.


Allanah said...

Hi Mark

You put together a great presentation for the symposium. It would have been great to have been there to support and learn from you.

I have bookmarked it for later reference.



Anonymous said...

Thanks, Allanah. My main purpose, aside from sharing some resources and apps etc, was to dig into the 'why' of using digital learning in our classes. I've been thinking about what we need to do to help teachers make the shift and persist with those barriers we know so well.

I'd be flattered if you use any of the references or resources here. Share away!